Course Descriptions
- Accounting (ACCT)
- Alcohol and Drug Counseling (ALDC)
- American Sign Language (ASLN)
- Anthropology (ANTH)
- Apprenticeship (APPR)
- Arabic (ARBC)
- Arts (ARTS)
- Chemistry (CHEM)
- Chinese (CHIN)
- Communication (COMM)
- Computer Science/ Information Technology (CSIT)
- Criminal Justice (CRIM)
- Economics (ECON)
- Education (EDUC)
- Electronic Media (COEM)
- Engineering (ENGR)
- Engineering Technology (ENGT)
- English (ENGL)
- Environmental Science (ENVI)
- Health and Human Performance (HEHP)
- Hebrew (HEBR)
- Hindi (HIND)
- History (HIST)
- Holistic Health and Wellness (HHAW)
- Homeland Security (HLSC)
- Hospitality, Recreation, and Tourism Management (HRTM)
- Humanities (HUMN)
- Philosophy (PHIL)
- Photography (PHOT)
- Physics and Astronomy (PHYS)
- Political Science (POLI)
- Portuguese (PORT)
- Psychology (PSYC)
Identification Code
All Ocean County College course descriptions begin with an identification code consisting of letters and numbers. The letters stand for the discipline area of the course, while the three numbers designate the level of the course as follows:
- 001 to 099 – Service/developmental courses – given at a precollege improvement level, do not carry degree credit.
- 100 to 199 – First-year-level courses for associate and/or transfer program.
- 200 to 299 – Second-year-level courses for associate and/or transfer program.
After the identification code, the course title is given, followed by the number of semester hours the course carries. Next, in parentheses, are the number of class hours and laboratory hours per week for each course.
- 1 credit in lecture equates to 1 hour per week.
- 1 credit in lab work equates to 2 hours per week.
- 1 credit in practicum/studio work equates to 3 hours per week.
N.C. is the designation for certain courses that are for no credit.

General Education Courses
All academic programs require a number of general education courses. These courses will be listed within the requirements of your degree either by category (i.e. Lab Science, Humanities, and so on) or as "Any Gen Ed Course" (you can choose any course from the list).
You can review the list of General Education Courses here.
Prerequisite study must be successfully completed before the student enters certain courses. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that he/she has successfully completed the prerequisite course(s) prior to studying on the higher level. Failure to complete prerequisites successfully will necessitate rescheduling. Course descriptions contain the necessary information.
A course corequisite, if not required to be taken simultaneously, may be taken either before or during the semester in which the course is taken. If a student has completed a higher-level course than the corequisite, the requirement has been met.