Academic Catalog

Arts (ARTS)

ARTS 181  Art From Prehistory to Middle Ages  3 cr.  
This course is a survey of the visual arts, focusing on the sculpture, painting and architecture from the Prehistoric through the Gothic periods. Students will explore the motivations, motifs, and vocabulary of art within its physical and socio-historical context. Emphasis will be placed on identification of works and their association with their time period, culture and subsequent characteristics. Code 3 course fee.
ARTS 182  Art From Renaissance to Modern World  3 cr.  
This course is a survey of the development of the visual arts from the Renaissance to the Modern period, this course will explore the physical, philosophical, political, and sociological means through which cultures define themselves in artworks. Emphasis will be on identifying characteristics inherent to works of art and how they relate to former and future work. Code 3 course fee.
ARTS 183  Basic Drawing  3 cr.  
This course is designed to introduce students to the familiar medium of drawing with an emphasis on drawing from still life. Methods of handling charcoal, ink, and various drawing materials will be discussed and applied. A sequence of studio drawings and discussion are intended to expand awareness of the visual world and develop control of drawing media. Techniques will include perceptual drawing, gesture, value, contour, perspective, as well as various media like pencil, charcoal, ink, and collage. Code 3 course fee.
ARTS 184  Two-Dimensional Design  3 cr.  
Two-Dimensional Design introduces the fundamental elements and the foundation principles of design, as they relate to drawing, painting, photography and computer graphics. Students apply the ideologies of visual organization through the use of shape, form, color, space, and texture. Comprehensive visual organization is obtained through studio practice utilizing various materials and techniques. Code 3 course fee.
ARTS 185  Figure Drawing  3 cr.  
This course is designed to introduce students to the familiar medium of drawing and its application to the human form. A sequence of studio drawings, live models, and discussions are intended to expand awareness of the visual world and challenge established methods of communication. A disciplined drawing approach to anatomy will emphasize structure, physical irregularity, and the expressive quality of the body. By the end of the course, students will have a better grasp on communicating visually, expressing ideas and opinions and understanding visual choices made by others - and the role of the human body in these areas. Techniques will include perceptual drawing, gesture, value, contour, perspective, as well as various media like pencil, charcoal, ink and collage. Code 4 course fee.
Prerequisite(s): ARTS 183
ARTS 186  Three-Dimensional Design  3 cr.  
Three Dimensional Design introduces the fundamental elements of the third dimension and the principles of constructing a three dimensional structure, as they relate to sculpture, architecture and functionality. Students apply the ideologies of visual organization through the use of shape, form, color, space, and texture. This course also explores the area of non-objective and abstract sculpture, as well as the relationship between non-objective design and practical use. Comprehensive three dimensional design skills are obtained through studio practice utilizing various materials and techniques. Code 3 course fee.
ARTS 188  Travel Seminar: World Art  3 cr.  
This travel seminar provides an overview of a select culture, with emphasis on art, architecture, and material culture of the region. Emphasis is placed upon evaluation of select culture in terms of its respective contextual values and norms.
ARTS 191  The Arts of the Islamic World  3 cr.  
The course will examine the background, origins, and evolution of Islamic art and architecture from the 7th century rise of Islam to the present. The course will investigate the fundamentals of Islam as a faith and Islam's relationship to the pre-Islamic past, as well as the theoretical problem of creating a new visual culture to serve a new religion and society. It will also provide a basic understanding of the major themes and important regional variations within the Islamic World, including the specialized Islamic Arts of India, Indonesia, North Africa and Turkey. Code 2 course fee.
ARTS 205  Modern Art  3 cr.  
This course is a survey of art from the emergence of a new direction of art in the late 19th century through its various transformations to the present period. Close attention is paid to the social, political, and historical context from which the work has materialized. Code 3 course fee.
ARTS 206  American Art  3 cr.  
American Art reflects the broad cultural and historical spectrum and great ethnic diversity that has contributed to the formation of America. This course will thematically and chronologically examine the origins and evolution of art and architecture of America from pre-conquest to the present focusing on the diversity of style, subject matter, regional characteristics and influences, and methods and mediums of artistic creation. Code 2 course fee.
ARTS 286  Painting I  3 cr.  
A primary studio course in acrylic painting with instruction in the preparation of canvas and the use of brush and palette knife. The student will explore representational and nonrepresentational concepts, still life and invented forms. There will be attention directed to the concepts and stylistic innovations of contemporary painting. Students will develop sensitivity to color choice based on theory, explore traditional techniques, and build compositions on a strong design foundation. Formal and informal critiques will be frequent, to introduce vocabulary, and a shared understanding of the studio experience. Code 3 course fee.
ARTS 287  Painting II  3 cr.  
In this course the student will study and practice additional techniques of acrylic painting and explore the impact of concept on visual forms. There will be attention directed to the development of personal stylistic innovation and the creation of visual consistency. Students will develop sensitivity to color choice based on theory, explore traditional techniques and methods, and build compositions on a strong design foundation. Formal and informal critiques will be frequent, to introduce vocabulary, and a shared understanding of the studio experience. Advanced problems in conceptualization and design of the painting are discussed. Technical process is emphasized. Students will complete oversized canvasses. Group critiques will be conducted, and films, readings or audio will further broaden the students' experience. Code 3 course fee.
Prerequisite(s): ARTS 286
ARTS 296  Painting III  3 cr.  
This is an advanced painting course, which allows the student to develop a personal artistic style and more sophisticated, portfolio quality work. Several large-scale painting assignments, change-of-format projects, one monumental themed semester-long master painting, and weekly exercises will encourage students to draw on everyday observations to inspire their work, as well as develop quality images over time. There will be attention directed to the development of personal stylistic innovation and the creation of visual consistency. Formal and informal critiques will be frequent, to introduce vocabulary, and a shared understanding of the studio experience. Code 3 course fee.
Prerequisite(s): ARTS 287
ARTS 297  Painting IV  3 cr.  
This is an advanced painting course, which allows the student to develop a personal artistic style and more sophisticated, portfolio quality work. Painting and studio practice will be emphasized, to develop understanding of independent studio work. Students will develop an artist's statement and propose a course of study for the semester, articulating a plan for research and development of a self-directed and a complete body of work for exhibition at the end of the semester. There will be attention directed to the development of personal stylistic innovation and the creation of visual consistency. Formal and informal critiques will be frequent, to introduce vocabulary, and a shared understanding of the studio experience. Code 3 course fee.
Prerequisite(s): ARTS 296