Academic Catalog

Communication (COMM)

COMM 110  Introduction to Communications  3 cr.  
This course is an introduction to the field of communication studies. Topics include forms and processes of human communication; communication as social organization; ways of understanding, analyzing, and evaluating messages; communication technologies; and social, political and ethical issues. Code 3 course fee.
COMM 151  Media Writing I  3 cr.  
This course is designed to teach students the basics of news style writing: good leads and simple, basic news stories; evaluating and selecting news for publication in print and on the air; gathering information and developing a news story from it. This course will instill a high regard for accuracy, adequacy and fairness. Code 3 course fee.
COMM 152  Media Writing II  3 cr.  
This course is designed to give the student experience in covering specialized areas of reporting. This course will further develop the skills taught in COMM 151, with special emphasis on developing interviewing skills and the ability to practice in-depth, interpretative, investigative and, possibly, team reporting. Feature writing will be introduced, as will the copy-flow functions of the newsroom. Sensitivity and speed in editing and headline writing will be developed. Code 3 course fee.
Prerequisite(s): COMM 151
COMM 154  Fundamentals of Public Speaking  3 cr.  
This course introduces students to basic communication theory and public speech performance skills. Emphasis is on researching, organizing, outlining, evaluating, and delivering informative, demonstrative, and persuasive speeches. Code 3 course fee.
COMM 172  Communication Law  3 cr.  
This course is a study of the rights and responsibilities of the press in the United States from origins to applications in modern society. Emphasis is placed on the constitutional and statutory laws and regulatory agencies affecting the operations of the press and special attention is given to recent Supreme Court rulings. Codes of ethics and other extra-legal considerations of the role of the press are studied.
COMM 202  Intercultural Communication  3 cr.  
In this course, students study in the influence culture has on perception, values, identity, and world view. Students gain an understanding of the communication challenges in cross-cultural encounters and acquire effective knowledge for enhancing intercultural communication competence, for contexts including travel, business, education, and health care. This course satisfies the Liberal Arts Diversity Requirment.
COMM 272  Public Relations and Publicity  3 cr.  
This course is a study of contemporary methods, tools and media used in the planning and development of public relations programs for business, industries, non-profit institutions and community organizations. In particular, publicity and promotional techniques, copy preparation, news releases, the theory and practice of arranging publicity materials in campaigns to promote and interpret personal, institutional and organizational objectives and activities and the relationship of public relations to the media are emphasized.
Prerequisite(s): ENGL 151
COMM 281  Mass Communications  3 cr.  
This course focuses on the history and development of various media in the United States including theories relating to press freedom and considering current criticism and challenges facing various branches of mass media.