Academic Catalog

Industrial/Technical, an option to the Associate in Applied Science in Technical Studies.

Program Description

The AAS in Technical Studies - Industrial/Technical Option degree program is a flex degree designed to provide students the opportunity to apply their work experience to earning an associate degree in applied science. Students looking to achieve a career change into a technical industry can earn credit for their work experience while they prepare for career advancement. Up to 17 credits may be awarded for work experience, including military experience, trade/proprietary school preparation, apprenticeship programs, and on-the-job-training.   This program also provides students with the  following stackable credential opportunities, that can be earned along the way to completing this degree:  Certificate of Completion - Industrial Hygiene/Hazardous Materials Management, Certificate of Completion - Advanced Manufacturing and Mechatronics, Certificate of Completion - Environmental Sustainability, and Certificate of Completion - Technology Leadership. 

Transfer Information

Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degrees are intended to prepare students for immediate entry into the workforce. The NJ Statewide Transfer Agreement does not guarantee the transfer of credit/coursework when a student earns an AAS degree and continues on to a four-year institution to complete a bachelor's degree. Students are encouraged to work closely with OCC faculty and Advising Transfer Services. Students planning to transfer to a four-year institution in NJ can explore the “Transfer Programs” feature on NJ Transfer

Career Information

The Associate of Applied Science Degrees are designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to start employment upon graduation. Several of the A.A.S. degrees provide the opportunity for the student to gain work experience by offering internship credit. These degrees are usually technical in nature and prepare the student for certification and licensing exams necessary to work in their field of choice. Students are strongly encouraged to consult with OCC faculty and Career Services as they begin to explore career options. OCC students can also utilize Focus2 Career, a resource provided by OCC, to explore degree programs and corresponding careersTo get started, log in through Ocean Connect.

Students are encouraged to keep track of degree requirements by using the “My Progress” screen on Student Planning. Student Planning can be accessed via logging into Ocean Connect.

Plan of Study Grid
First SemesterCredit Hours
ENGL 151 English I 3
Technology Gen. Ed. Requirement (excludes INFO 110) 3
MATH 156 or Higher (excludes MATH 157, MATH 171, and MATH 181) 3
Industrial/Technical Studies Program Electives 6
 Credit Hours15
Second Semester
ENGL 152 English II 3
Humanities Gen. Ed. Requirement 3
Social Science Gen. Ed. Requirement 3
Industrial/Technical Studies Program Electives 6
 Credit Hours15
Third Semester
Humanities or Social Science Gen. Ed. Requirement 3
Lab Science Gen. Ed. Requirement 4
Industrial/Technical Studies Program Electives 6
 Credit Hours13
Fourth Semester
Select from the following: 17
Professional Core Transfer Credits Awarded for Work Experience
 Credit Hours17
 Total Credit Hours60

Industrial/Technical Studies Program Electives

Students may select courses from the following list or equivalent courses per appropriate approval.

Any ENGR Engineering course(s)
Any ENGT Engineering Technology course(s)
Any MECH Mechatronics course(s)
Any ENVI Environmental Science course(s)
Any CHEM Chemistry course(s)4
BUSN 273Corporate Social Responsibility3
CSIT 110Introduction to Computers and Computer Applications3
CSIT 123Integrated Office Software3
CSIT 160Introduction to Visual BASIC3
ECON 151Macroeconomic Principles3
ECON 152Microeconomics Principles3
PHYS 172Physics II4
PHYS 171Physics I4
SOCI 232Social Justice3