Academic Catalog

The Center for Access & Equity (C4AE)

Tikkun Olam ~ Repairing the World


It is the mission of the Center for Access and Equity to promote inclusion and pluralism.


The Center for Access & Equity (C4AE) works in partnership to create spaces for listening, understanding difference, coming together in celebration of likeness, and embracing diversity and the benefits of inclusion.


To develop, initiate, promote and support programming in the areas of:

  • Inclusion
  • Social Justice
  • Diversity
  • Gender Equity
  • Pluralism
  • Access

THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK, Adapted from: What is Pluralism? by Diana Eck

The Pluralism Project at Harvard University, with permission (Eck)


  • ​​Energetic engagement with diversity: Opening up to experiences with others, with people who may appear different from yourself; being in relationships
  • Active seeking of understanding across lines: Reaching across boundaries of difference; being curious, communicating with empathy
  • Encountering commitments: Knowing yourself, being aware of your core values, beliefs, connection to self, and world view
  • Based upon dialogue: Coming together in an experience of discovery


  • Isolation or silence
  • The façade of peace or just getting along
  • Tolerance without knowing and appreciation
  • Ignorance
  • Blinding stereotypes
  • Fear
  • The Melting Pot; losing identity and self
  • Needing to agree

All are welcome regardless of age, race, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, class, or country of origin. Contact C4AE at 732-255-0400, ext. 2026 for more information.