Holistic Health and Wellness (HHAW)
HHAW 101 Alternative Therapies in Health & Wellness 3 cr.
This course presents students with a study of the most popular alternative healthcare and bodywork techniques including a study of their historical development and scientific perspective. Students will investigate the treatment protocol and efficacy and will also compare and contrast the techniques discussed to allopathic care. Students will engage in interactive activities when appropriate.
HHAW 102 Environmental Harmony: A Holistic Perspective 3 cr.
This course is designed for students interested in the environmental conditions that directly affect the health of humans. The course covers topics of water contamination with pharmaceuticals, and other environmental toxins, as well as genetically modified foods and global soil depletion. Fracking is discussed with respect to water quality with particular attention to how this issue affects the physiology of the body. The issue of global governance and sustainability within the parameters of healthcare will be discussed. A study of mindfulness practices and personal choices toward a healthier personal environment will also be developed.
HHAW 121 Psychology and Physiology of Stress 3 cr.
This course investigates the multidimensional phenomenon of stress from the mind body connection to the conditions, attitudes and behaviors that contribute to the stress response. It examines the psychosomatic theory of dis-ease and the mechanisms that link stress with illness. Using a holistic approach for intervention, it allows students to study different techniques for dealing with stress.
HHAW 200 Food & Healing: A Holistic Approach to Nutrition 3 cr.
This course will expose students to the foundations for studying nutrition and examine the role of food in the dis-ease process. Definitions of health, whole foods, organic foods and balancing foods will be explored as well as various common and eclectic diets. The students will uncover the problems associated with food additives including preservatives and colorants. There will be a discourse on the way the world economy is associated with how food is grown and processed. Students will perform a nutritional analysis on their own dietary choices and learn how to plan a healthful diet. Students enrolling in the AAS in Nursing program cannot use this course to replace NURS 174: Nutrition.
HHAW 201 Plants & Healing: Herbology & Organic Gardening 3 cr.
This course is designed to introduce the student to a study of plants and their health and healing properties. Students will discover the historical perspectives of herbs, oils, and incense in historical documents and their uses in early healthcare procedures. This is a study of the development of certain Naturopathic, Homeopathic, and Native American doctrines and how they preceded modern day pharmaceuticals. Students will see how flower remedies were discovered and developed. This course will study organic gardening and the creation of a healthful garden.
HHAW 221 Principles of Energy Movement 3 cr.
This course presents a comprehensive understanding of the historical development of Yoga, Tai Chi and Qi Gong. The course covers the principle philosophy and the actual practice of the Sutras within the Yoga discipline and the development of Tai Chi and Qi Gong as martial art forms. Students will study the practices for aligning the body, breath and mind for health and meditation. The practice sessions include learning the Yoga meditation, postures and breathing techniques along with the other disciplines associated with Yoga practice and several Tai Chi and Qi Gong exercises.
HHAW 222 Holistic Design 3 cr.
This course is intended to educate the student in principles of holistic design incorporating conscious living and harmonious environments. Identifying concepts of harmony within the home and workplace environments using mental, emotional and physical health as cornerstones will lead students to design home, work and garden spaces that allow for more creativity, inspiration and productivity. Studies include architecture, aesthetics, and functionality. Transformative therapies of color, sound and aroma will bring the senses into the design.