Business (BUSN)
BUSN 115 Introduction to Supply Chain Management 3 cr.
This course provides an understanding of fundamental concepts of supply chain, sustainable supply chain management, and their impact on business and the economy. All functional areas of supply chain management are explored through an integrated view of procurement, inventory and warehousing, demand planning, scheduling, network design, collaboration, performance measurement, and the sustainable development of contemporary green supply chains. These range from suppliers and logistics services providers to consumers.
BUSN 131 Introduction to Business Administration 3 cr.
This course is a thorough survey of the activities that make up the field of business. Emphasis is placed on such topics as ownership, management, organization, purchasing, marketing, production, personnel, finance and government regulations. Industry's societal responsibilities relating to pollution, minorities and ethical practices are explored.
BUSN 133 Computer Keyboarding 1 cr.
This course centers upon mastery of the mechanics of the computer keyboard. Emphasis is placed on correct typewriting techniques to develop accuracy and speed presented in a computer-assisted instruction mode. The course is available through credit by exam. Students who have earned 32 or more transfer credits are ineligible, and there is a fee for the exam. Within this program, students will be assigned a "pass/fail" grade only Code 1 course fee.
BUSN 134 Principles of Marketing 3 cr.
This course is a comprehensive study of the functions and institutions involved in the flow of goods and services from production to consumption. Topics include the marketing environment and process, consumer behavior, distribution, industrial users, retailing innovations, wholesaling practices, product planning, packaging, selling, advertising, sales promotion and pricing.
BUSN 151 Introduction to Human Resource Management 3 cr.
This course is an introduction to the basic functions of human resource management, including the relationship between operating managers and the human resources department, human resources planning, recruitment and selection, legal issues, compensation, benefits, safety, and collective bargaining.
BUSN 157 Introduction to Financial Software 1 cr.
This course provides students with a basic economic understanding of stocks, bonds, and foreign currencies. Students are exposed to basic trading concepts and utilization of financial software.
BUSN 159 Survey of Business and Data Analytics 1 cr.
This course introduces students to Business applications of Data Analytics without requiring extensive prior knowledge of computer programming. Students will also utilize software in discovering patterns and relationships in data, which can be used to better understand concepts and decision-making in the fields of Economics and Business. Code 2 course fee.
BUSN 163 Transportation Systems 3 cr.
This course is designed to provide students with the principles of modal and intermodal transportation operations (rail, trucking, air, water and pipeline), along with transportation management. It will examine regulations, public policy, processes, and risks as well as its impact on the economy and the supply chain system.
BUSN 170 Small Business Management 3 cr.
This course will develop an entrepreneurial approach to small business management with emphasis on the importance of management skills, industry knowledge, and strategic planning. Topics explored will include the importance of developing a business plan, marketing and operations. The primary course objective is to provide students with a realistic formula for successfully operating a small business. Code 2 course fee.
BUSN 210 Business Communications 3 cr.
This course is a study of the principles underlying effective written communications in business. The use of correct English is stressed in various types of business correspondence. The course is presented in computer-assisted mode. Code 1 course fee.
Prerequisite(s): ENGL 151
BUSN 220 Career Management and Professional Behavior 3 cr.
This course is designed to foster workplace readiness through the development of effective skills in communication, leadership and interpersonal relations. The importance of understanding and using self-directed skills to manage the transition from the college environment to the workplace is emphasized. Students will focus on developing the competitive skills and abilities necessary to compete in the contemporary job market. Code 1 course fee.
BUSN 240 Travel Seminar: Marketing Across Cultures 3 cr.
This travel course provides students with professionally supervised opportunities to gain practical, hands-on, direct and indirect experience in the development and implementation of marketing strategies for a nonprofit organization in the host country. Students will explore cross-cultural marketing challenges and acquire effective knowledge to develop intercultural marketing competence that can be applied to decision-making within the context of global marketing. Students will study the impact that customer preferences, economic and social circumstances, culture and societal infrastructure, as well as communication practices and channels have on marketing planning and implementation.
BUSN 249 Operations Management 3 cr.
This course is an introduction to the concepts, principles, problems, and practices of operations management on a domestic and international scale. Emphasis is on managerial processes for effective operations in both goods-producing and service-rendering organizations. Topics include operations strategy, process design, capacity planning, facilities location and design, forecasting, production scheduling, inventory control, quality assurance, and project management.
BUSN 251 Business Law I 3 cr.
This course focuses on the study of the law as it applies to businesses and consumers, including the structure of the legal system. Areas covered include torts, constitutional law, civil litigation, alternative dispute resolution, and contract law.
BUSN 252 Business Law II 3 cr.
This course is the study of law related to various aspects of business, including employment, business structures, property protections, and government regulation. Issues of employment discrimination, the principal/agent relationship, government regulation of businesses in the form of antitrust law and consumer protections, and ethical regulation of business professionals are explored in this course. In addition, proper formation of business structures, such as sole-proprietorships, limited liability companies (LLCs), limited liability partnerships (LLPs), and corporations) are discussed.
Prerequisite(s): BUSN 251
BUSN 267 Real Estate Law 3 cr.
BUSN 270 Principles of Advertising 3 cr.
This course is a study of various types of advertising, including newspapers, magazines, direct mail, radio, television, outdoor advertising and internet advertising. Current practices of advertising preparation, appeal, copy selection and layout techniques are analyzed.
Prerequisite(s): BUSN 134 or permission of instructor
BUSN 271 Principles of Management 3 cr.
This course is a comprehensive study of the various functions of management designed to assist students in understanding the interrelationships among the functional areas of a business enterprise, and to see with whom these functional areas interact in organizational decision-making. The course affords students the opportunity to develop an ability to objectively analyze and solve management problems.
BUSN 272 Principles of Investments 3 cr.
The focus of this course is business and personal investments, the theory and operation of the stock market, and their investments and timing with respect to the business cycle. There will be actual analysis of certain stocks, bonds, and derivatives.
BUSN 273 Corporate Social Responsibility 3 cr.
This course introduces students to the concept of corporate social responsibility, which involves an examination of whether organizations should expand their focus from serving stockholders to considering the impact of the firm's activities on diverse stakeholders. Practicing corporate social responsibility requires that a corporation meld business goals with societal expectations. To do so means addressing complex questions such as: What obligations do businesses have to the societies in which they operate? Can the interests of corporations and their outside stakeholders be aligned or are they in inherent conflict? This course examines these and other questions without prescribing simple solutions.
BUSN 275 Principles of Finance 3 cr.
This course focuses on the principles of finance by integrating concepts of economics and accounting and by linking economic theory to the numbers of accounting. The course also emphasizes the importance of assessing financial performance to a firm's production, sales, research, marketing, management, and long-run strategic planning.
Prerequisite(s): ACCT 162 or permission of instructor
BUSN 291 International Business: A Cultural Perspective 3 cr.
This course will detail practical terminology, concepts, associations, relationships, and issues that are unique to business operations in international markets. It will focus on the impact that cultural diversity has on global business operations. Emphasis will be given to China and other Pacific Rim nations.
Prerequisite(s): BUSN 131 or consent of instructor.
BUSN 300 Organizational Theory and Practice 3 cr.
The impact of individuals, groups, and organizational structures on behavior within firms is examined in this course. The primary objective is to apply such knowledge toward improving a firm's effectiveness. Topics include behavior, attitudes and motivation of individuals; politics, conflict and consensus within and among group; and the structure, design, and development of organizations. Cases are studied within the context of theory.
Prerequisite(s): BUSN 271
BUSN 301 Human Resource Management 3 cr.
This course provides an opportunity to study the typical operations of a personnel department, including the determination of personnel requirements, the employment process, and discipline and employee relations. Motivation, leadership, and wage and salary administration are also covered.
Prerequisite(s): BUSN 271
BUSN 311 Consumer Behavior 3 cr.
This course is designed to provide an overview of consumer behavior, what it means to be a consumer and what a marketer needs to know to develop marketing strategy. This course will explore processes involved in consumption and ways in which marketers are better able to predict and influence behavior.
Prerequisite(s): BUSN 134
BUSN 312 Marketing Communications 3 cr.
Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) is introduced in this course, with a focus on the core IMC components of advertising, public relations, direct marketing, and sales promotion. Developing the ability to learn how to effectively plan, implement and evaluate IMC strategy and messaging is the primary learning objective of the course.
Prerequisite(s): BUSN 134