Academic Catalog

Anthropology (ANTH)

ANTH 133  Introduction to Anthropology  3 cr.  
This course presents core concepts and principles of anthropology, including the concept of culture as viewed by the anthropologist. Specific areas of study are physical anthropology (evolution of humans, racial classification), archeology (characteristics and development of early cultures) and language as it relates to the biological and social evolution of humans.
ANTH 134  Cultural Anthropology  3 cr.  
This course provides an overview of cultures and how they are studied by the anthropologist. Topics examined are subsistence patterns, language and communication, culture and personality, gender and family patterns, economics and political organizations, religion and magic, the arts, and cultural change. Emphasis is placed upon evaluation of other cultures in terms of their respective values and norms.
ANTH 135  Cultural Anthropology of Africa  3 cr.  
The course will examine issues of anthropological representation and realities of Africa in a global context. The goal is to help students develop a more nuanced and analytical perspective of African culture. It will look at issues surrounding precolonial, colonial, and postcolonial African cultures and societies. It will explore concepts and concerns about gender, ethnicity, national and racial identity, and class. Finally, issues of development, conservation, and tourism will be discussed along with popular culture and contemporary rural and urban experiences.
ANTH 240  Travel Seminar: Cultural Studies  3 cr.  
This travel seminar provides an overview of a select culture and focuses on cultural universals including subsistence patterns, language and communication, culture and personality, gender and family patterns, economic and political organization, religion and magic, the arts, and cultural change. Emphasis is placed upon evaluation of the select culture in term of its respective contextual values and norms.