Academic Catalog

Alcohol and Drug Counseling (ALDC)

ALDC 101  Addictions Disorders and Recovery Supports  3 cr.  
This course introduces the fundamentals of addictions counseling and treatment. The course will emphasize the role of collaboration in seeking and utilization of community and medical resources for the betterment of the client, including professional interaction with medical and human services clinicians and the documentations methods and standards employed in counseling services.
ALDC 102  Addictions Counseling: Professional Responsibilities  3 cr.  
This course emphasizes standards for insuring thorough documentation; ethical aspects of addictions counseling; the counselor's need for cultural competence, personal growth, and professional growth; counselor/client expectations based on goals, objectives, rules, and obligations; and the use of laboratory tests/results for determining a course of treatment. Students can rapidly transition into working positions as Counselor Interns in community treatment settings. Emphasis will be on ethics and legal conduct as well as skills of documentation and professional growth, given they are necessary work skills of today's practicing counselor.
ALDC 105  Addiction Counseling Skills  3 cr.  
This course examines key concepts of, and noted figures associated with, the following counseling approaches: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Rational Emotive Therapy, Motivational Therapy, Family Therapy, Client-Centered Therapy, and Solution-Focused Therapy. Issues related to client emotional transference and countertransference and other obstacles to effective therapy are reviewed. The focus of this course is on clinical skill development and models of counseling that are directly applicable to today's counseling workplace in New Jersey.
ALDC 106  Assessing Addictive Disorders  3 cr.  
This course promotes competence in addictions counseling clinical skills related to screening, intake, evaluation, assessment, diagnoses, and strengths-based treatment planning for those individuals who have Substance Use Disorders. Clinical and medical aspects of the treatment process are reviewed in conjunction with required skill competencies by the Certification Board of NJ.
ALDC 107  Addiction Counseling Methodology  3 cr.  
Today's practicing Substance Use Disorder professionals are required to provide group, individual counseling, family services, and educational presentations. This class meets State of New Jersey criteria for practicing Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor Interns to work in community treatment centers under the guidance and supervision of licensed supervisors. Today's rapidly expanding addictions services in our community present an ever-growing need for skilled counselors who can demonstrate competence and effectiveness in these types of counseling services.
ALDC 108  Addiction Counseling Client Education  3 cr.  
Education of client, family, and community are a primary task of the practicing Substance Use Disorder (addictions) professional. This class examines comprehensive aspects of educational needs for specific groups that are impacted by the disease of addiction. Emphasis on motivational and self-empowerment focused education is highlighted. Aspects of signs, symptoms, and treatment of mental illness and addictions, as well as best practices in adult educational practices, are examined.
ALDC 200  Introduction to Peer Addiction Recovery  4 cr.  
This course will promote competence and skill development in addiction crisis intervention and recovery treatment services. It focuses on the following areas of health care provider development: ethics and legal standards related to direct service interventions, multiple recovery pathways and harm reduction methods, and wellness-focused outcome goals. Students who successfully complete this course will fulfill the curricular requirements for state certification as a Peer Recovery Specialist.