Academic Catalog

English & Math Placement

Guided Self-Placement

OCC allows students to use guided self-placement to register for college-level English and math courses.

At Ocean County College, we are committed to providing students with every opportunity to succeed in achieving their goals, both now and in future career settings. We have designed our English and math courses to help students develop important skills such as critical thinking and effective communication. While a student's first college English and math courses should be challenging, current skill levels in areas such as your reading, writing, mathematics, and critical thinking skills will also play a role in a student's success. As a result, selecting the best class is very important. Specific details about the guided self-placement process at OCC can be found on the College's guided self-placement webpage.

We strongly recommend meeting with an OCC Advisor if you have any questions about which English and math courses you need to take, especially as they relate the specific course requirements for your major.

Developmental Courses

The developmental courses offered by the college are:

ENGL 098Writing Skills Development1
MATH 023Algebra Basics4

The minimum passing grade for a developmental course is “C”.

Developmental courses cannot be used to satisfy degree requirements but are prerequisites to advanced courses and a good choice for students who wish to enhance their skills prior to beginning college-level English and math courses.

Pre-Calculus/Calculus Placement Test

Students who wish to enroll in Precalculus I (MATH 191) or higher and who have not met the course prerequisites must take the Pre-Calculus/Calculus Placement Test (Advanced Algebra and Functions [AAF] Accuplacer Test) or meet the Multiple Measures criteria based on high school transcript review, see College Policy 5161. This placement test assesses current mathematical ability in areas such as algebra, trigonometry, and functions. For additional details on this test, visit the Mathematics Department Office in the Instructional Building, #5, Room 216C.